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Dunlop, Sumitomo, Girling Cylinders Sleeved and Rebuilt


(Jaguar, Alfa Romeo, Avanti, Datsun and others) two removable cylinders on each caliper, prices are per each cylinder


Send us empty casting (all fittings, bleeders, etc. removed) and we will clean it, resleeve with brass to standard size and return, so you can reassemble using kit you provide.

Std bore cyl
Most cylinders 2-1/8” and 1-3/4" bore. Other bore diameters add $20 per cyl, (2-1/4" and 2-1/2” bore *see below)

$115 $145

2-1/4" and 2-1/2” (also wide flange type used on Ferrari and other exotics. )

$145 $195

Early type using round pads.
For re-builds please send with plate, pins, and springs.

$115 $145


Send us complete cylinder (as it came off the car) and we will return it cleaned, brass sleeved and assembled with new rebuild kit, ready to install back on the car.









* All cylinders are sleeved with Brass, stainless is available, please call for pricing.
* Some Dunlop’s are available in stock and can be ordered with a refundable core charge or purchased as an outright sale.
Contact Us to order.

Dunlop, Sumitomo, Girling Cylinders Sleeved and Rebuilt

Dunlop Caliper Repair kits, SP2561, SP2562, SP2565, SP2556, SP2554, SP2557,...

Two removable cylinders on each caliper, kit prices are per caliper. Order 2 kits for an axle set. Kit prices vary please click here to view complete listing descriptions and prices.

$ 38.50
Jaguar Dunlop Caliper Cylinder sleeved and rebuilt, yours done.

Two removable cylinders on each caliper, prices are per each cylinder. Includes brass sleeving, new bleeder screw and reassembly with new OEM kit.

$ 145
Jaguar Dunlop Caliper Cylinder sleeved or rebuilt, yours done

Two removable cylinders on each caliper, prices are per each cylinder

$ 115
Datsun Roadster Dunlop, Sumitomo, Girling Caliper Cylinder, (Yours done)

Two removable cylinders on each caliper, prices are per each cylinder. To order, call or email 631-369-9515 /

$ 115
Alfa Romeo Dunlop Caliper Cylinders, sleeved and rebuilt, (Yours Rebuilt)

Two removable cylinders on each caliper, prices are per each cylinder. To order, call or email 631-369-9515 /

$ 145
Alfa Romeo Dunlop Caliper Cylinders, sleeved (yours done)

Two removable cylinders on each caliper, prices are per each cylinder. To order, call or email 631-369-9515 /

$ 115
Ferrari Dunlop style caliper cylinders, sleeved and rebuilt, (yours rebuilt)

Send us casting with piston (all fittings, bleeders, etc. removed) and we will clean it machine it and press in a new sleeve to standard size, install all new rubber parts and a new bleeder.

$ 195
Ferrari Dunlop style caliper cylinders, sleeving only (yours sleeved) price...

Send us empty casting (all fittings, bleeders, etc. removed) and we will clean it, re-sleeve with brass to standard size and return, so you can reassemble using kit you provide.

$ 145
Dunlop Caliper Cylinder, sleeved and/or rebuilt, yours done, price is...

Two removable cylinders on each caliper, prices are per each cylinder. To order, call or email 631-369-9515 /

$ 115
Alfa Romeo Brake Master sleeved and/or rebuilt, yours done

Dunlop or Girling type, Questions please call or email 631-369-9515 /

$ 245
Alfa Romeo Brake Booster Rebuilt, yours done

Dunlop or Girling type, Questions please call or email 631-369-9515 /

$ 785
Avanti Dunlop Caliper Cylinder yours sleeved or rebuilt

Two removable cylinders on each caliper, prices are per each cylinder. Includes brass sleeving, new bleeder screw and reassembly with new OEM kit.

$ 115
Ate Brake Master sleeved only or complete rebuild, yours done,

Ate Brake master sleeved and rebuilt, Questions please call or email 631-369-9515 /

$ 285